Many Investors Don’t Get This Right
Many investors go into property aspiring to own a large portfolio, but not really believing they will ever achieve that.
If they manage to buy a few properties they will feel quite good about their progress, but they still have to hope that somehow or other, over time, they’ll somehow manage to get some more and one day have the portfolio they dream of. But they don’t really know how they can do it, or even if they can do it.
Then there are those who aspire to having a large portfolio but they hit the buffers because they didn’t really know what they were doing, and they spent all their money on just one or two properties. And then they’ve spent all of their cash!
Or if they have a little bit more education, they may split what money they have as deposits and use it to buy two or three properties. Again, they think that’s all they can do, and they run out of cash.
Whichever way you look at it, and whatever your aspirations, one way or the other, the chances are that if you don’t know what you are doing, you are going to run out of cash.
I don’t know whether you can relate to any of these scenarios or not, but the truth is that if we buy with no strategy and no forward planning, it’s almost inevitable that we will run out of money at some stage, no matter how much money we start with.
So what happens then?
And Then Have to Find Even More Money to Keep Going
We have to start saving again, or hope for another windfall, or wait for property values to increase to a point where we can refinance, draw out the extra equity resulting from the increased values, and use that money to “go again”.
But here’s the problem. In reality most would-be investors just give up. And then they tell themselves that property investing doesn’t really work (although they have a sneaky feeling that if they had known more they might have been able to get it to work for them).
But IT IS Possible to Use Limited Funds to Build a Large, Cash-Flowing Portfolio
What a lot of investors don’t realise, especially new investors, and investors who haven’t taken the time or opportunity to get properly educated, is that IT IS possible to plan ahead and to use the (limited) money you have efficiently and effectively, so that YOU CAN buy without running out of cash.
It’s just a matter of using the right system. It’s all about using a system to buy “the right properties” at the right price, and to finance them and refinance them in the right way.
But you need to know how to do this – any old property WON’T DO!
And you need to use the RIGHT finance.
If you use the system properly you’ll be able to buy a property and draw most, or even all, of your money back out again, and use that money to buy another property. When you do this you can repeat the process, using the same system, over and over again and build a portfolio of almost any size. You can literally just keep going for as long as you want.
But, and here is a big but, like all things worth doing, the system needs commitment, application and a bit of hard graft to make it work. The concepts ARE simple, but it needs a bit of work.
But it’s worth it!
And This Isn’t Just for Buy to Lets – Although it is Great for That
And the great news is that this system can be adapted and used for many different types of properties, not just buy to lets. This system can equally be used for HMOs, and commercial property. The very same principles apply. You might use different loan products, and the figures might be bigger, perhaps with a zero or two on the end, but it’s the very same system.
So once you understand and master the system, perhaps first building a portfolio of simple buy to let properties, you can use it and apply it throughout your whole property investing journey, and apply it to ever more sophisticated strategies and opportunities.
I’m Going To Show You Exactly How You Can Do This
That’s why I want to show you the entire system in The Property Portfolio Accelerator Plan; How to go from 1 to 10 (and more) in seven simple steps.
I want to give you the tools to be highly successful in property no matter what point you are starting from, tools which I didn’t have access to when I first started – I had to figure it all out for myself.
Here’s What I’ll Show You as I Take You Through This Step-by-Step
In seven hours of in-depth video tuition in The Property Portfolio Accelerator Plan; How to go from 1 to 10 (and more) in seven simple steps I’ll show you: